Saturday, August 27, 2005

Action girl!

Hello everyone! I am back!

In case you weren't aware - yes we went away again. Phil and I went away with his family to North wales. We had a spendid time. It was lovely to see all the family and we got up to some fun stuff while we were there too.

I climbed Snowdon - My first time and it was cool if a little scary. Phil and his twin bro Timmy decided they would like to try the toughest route which is described by the guide as 'treacherous' in places. Well prior to this I said that I would like to join them... do you think I could back out now... NO!! be outdone by the men - surely not!! So I did it. It was a great sense of achievement. There was one weak moment when we were almost at the summit...(we had lost the path by now cos of all the fog and we were just scrambling our way up the rock face hand over foot) and I admit I felt like crying, because I could not see properly, my hands were sore from having to grab on and the climb was almost vertical. It was just momentary and I pushed through it and hooray - we made it to the top - No view of course because of all the fog, but it was awesome wicked!!!

We also did white water rafting which was TOTALLY TOTALLY AWESOME!!! I loved it!!! We went on a wet day and the river was cold - but it was the most fun - ever!! I was a bit scaredy before I went - cos I am a bit of a baby really - but I loved it sooooooo much. Basically you (7 people) travel in this dingy thing. You have to sit on the top of the outer bit and paddle 'back wards and forwards' then when the guy says you have to hold on to the little rope and 'lean in' - lest you get swept away and then when it gets really rough he shouts 'get down' and then everyone leaps like mad things to the bottom of the boat so that when you hit the rocks and waves you do not get thrown over!! It is mad and cool and a major rush. One time when the guy shouted 'hold on - lean in' I couldn't reach the rope in time so I flew into the air and thankfully bounced back into the boat - ha ha - he shouted 'nearly lost you then' which was true and I loved it all the more. I totally recommend white water rafting - I did not think too much of it before I went but now I would jump at the chance to go again.

We also went on something called 'rope works'. Anyone ever done this? This is when you have to walk around a 30ft 'High walk' and do the 'leap of faith' - (basically climbing up a high pole and jumping off) There is also a high swing and you get pulled back on this huge swing to about 30ft and then you pull this little thing and it releases you and boy do you swing! Of course you get to wear a harness and before we went on it we were all like 'oh yeah, that's really nothing' and then when you get on it your thinking 'what if my harness wasn't properly tied etc etc...' It is such a rush!!

I also got to spend quality time with my two nieces - who are gorgeous!! One is 8 and one is 3. They are both the sweetest thing!!

All in all - I was named 'action girl' and had a very active week and am planning to go back to work to recover.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

How I love to pack...

Packing has to be one of the worst jobs.

I mean I guess it is better than unpacking - but even so... I iron my clothes and fold them (or actually I roll them) into my suitcase ready for my holiday and what is the first thing I have to do when I arrive - I have to iron my badly creased clothes!!! What joy. I am obviously doing it wrong.

Phil and I are off tomorrow to 'Bala' and although it sounds like some really sunny, far away shore I think that you will find that that is in fact 'Bali' and we are going to Bala - North wales!!

Well I am sure it will be lovely. I have never been up Snowdon before - so there is a new challenge there - and we love new challenges don't we!

So, we leave tomorrow morning and the packing I have achieved thus far amounts to Zero!!!

In fact Phil just came in and asked me why I have time to blog when I have not packed. He has a real and very valid point there. I replied that 'I don't have time to blog and that is why it has become so necessary.' Because you see when you become so busy that madness sets in - then that is the perfect time to blog!

So, I am going to go now and do a spot of ironing and perhaps even some packing.

I don't believe there is a computer anywhere near where we are....Do they have them in Wales yet? (Just kidding Jen)

Love you all lots and lots,

Biggest kisses,


Thursday, August 18, 2005

10 Reasons for loving Lauren Jones...

Well today is Loz's birthday so I feel the need to write this blog as she is truly a delicious person and although indeed I could fill a whole book with reasons for loving her - I will just name a few...

1) Lauren is a giver - Loz is someone who will always have time to listen even when she is busy/tired/stressed herself or I have already talked for 13 hours solid!! She is a true giver.

2) Lauren is B.E.A utiful! She is gorgeous and yet so unassuming. I love that about her.

3) Lauren is 'huggy'. Loz gives me the greatest hugs and sometimes you just need that little pick me up - she is great at hugging.

4) Lauren is in a world of her own. Lauren lives in another world but is kind enough to grace us with her presence and make us all laugh (you gotta love that!)

5) Lauren is a chocolate freak. Yep she always has chocolate - what more could you ask for in a friend.

6) Lauren is trustworthy. When she says she will do something - she really does it and that is worth more than gold.

7) Lauren crys when she is sad - yep - it's a reason why I love her. She wears her heart on her sleeve and just says it how it is. If she's sad - you know it and I love her for that.

8) Lauren loves to laugh!! She is a girl who laughs more than she crys (altho some months it is close) and she makes me laugh when she laughs!

9) Lauren is passionate about God - ah yes, the God thing. When you see God in her it's like a bright light (sometimes crazy colours!!) and she radiates Him.

10) She loves me. I love it that Loz loves me, it makes me feel all gooey inside like melted chocolate. She is a wonderful, faithful friend who I adore.


Thursday, August 11, 2005


What a great word. Goobers. Well two days ago whilst waiting for the plane I ate Goobers. I know, I know it doesn't sound like something you can eat - or perhaps better phrased it doesn't sound like something you should eat. Lets put it out there. What do YOU think Goobers are??

Phil and I are back from the great US of A and apart from being a little jet-lagged we are doing great. We had such a wonderful time. I am so blessed. God is so faithful isn't he!

While we were away we did a lot of things. Yes I did go on the dirtbike and now I am an addict - It was the MOST fun ever!! I totally loved it. I was like 'again, again' let me go!!! The exhilaration was immense. It has brought me so much closer to God. I know that sounds a little strange but I feel like becoming more excited about life has made me more excited about God and also it had made me feel a little more adventurous - which is always a good thing with God - Do you know he LOVES adventures - like there is sooooooooooo much adventure in the Bible- I love it - I love it that God loves doing radical fun stuff, how amazin is our God. I am loving Him so much!!!!

Monday, August 01, 2005


Well not quite yet perhaps...but I am working on it. I truly hate my own fears and try and make myself do the thing that scares me so that I can overcome it. Does anyone know what I mean?

So we are in America and so far I feel I have done pretty well. I have tried waterskiing, tubing..been up in a little plane. I have even driven over here. I have yet to go dirtbiking but I am determined that I will.

Usually you see I would opt not to do these things being a little bit of a scaredy cat but every single one has afforded a great deal of joy so I am so happy that I have made myself do them. Life is so short and I don't want to live with any regrets!!

My favourite thing so far has been tubing -let me explain... basically you sit in a large rubber ring and get pulled along by a speed boat. Because I am little I had a very bumpy ride - SO MUCH FUN!!! I screamed the whole time... my mouth was open a lot so I swallowed a lot of water too - it was great!

I would like to overcome all my fears - Most of my fears are of people. Mainly men (serious moment for a second) I would love to be totally fearless. You know perfect love drives out fear. I do know perfect love from my heavenly father. I am so blessed. My brother has written an excellent song about how God has made us fearless.

So, my challenge to you today - what is the thing that scares you? Choose today to overcome it! Go on you can do it.