Monday, August 01, 2005


Well not quite yet perhaps...but I am working on it. I truly hate my own fears and try and make myself do the thing that scares me so that I can overcome it. Does anyone know what I mean?

So we are in America and so far I feel I have done pretty well. I have tried waterskiing, tubing..been up in a little plane. I have even driven over here. I have yet to go dirtbiking but I am determined that I will.

Usually you see I would opt not to do these things being a little bit of a scaredy cat but every single one has afforded a great deal of joy so I am so happy that I have made myself do them. Life is so short and I don't want to live with any regrets!!

My favourite thing so far has been tubing -let me explain... basically you sit in a large rubber ring and get pulled along by a speed boat. Because I am little I had a very bumpy ride - SO MUCH FUN!!! I screamed the whole time... my mouth was open a lot so I swallowed a lot of water too - it was great!

I would like to overcome all my fears - Most of my fears are of people. Mainly men (serious moment for a second) I would love to be totally fearless. You know perfect love drives out fear. I do know perfect love from my heavenly father. I am so blessed. My brother has written an excellent song about how God has made us fearless.

So, my challenge to you today - what is the thing that scares you? Choose today to overcome it! Go on you can do it.


Jen said...

Glad to hear you're living life to the full KT babe!

Gem said...

I don't think I'll ever overcome spiders!

Actually that's a lie because I sort of did when I went camping on Soul in the City. But it ended as soon as I got home!