Monday, January 16, 2006

Hi ho hi ho, it's off to egypt we go

So, I am a little excited....

In just two weeks we are going to egypt for the week!! It is hot and sunny there! Yay!

It is Phil's 30 th Birthday pressi - it was kind of a surprise - but not as much as I wanted it to be.

We are going to Hurghada - to laze on the beach and swim in the Red sea. How cool is that?

The only bummer is that we have to go and get jabs today - yes pain twofold! The inital pain of the needle in your arm - and then the pain of the cos of the jab - £22 each! Y'Ouchy!

But still - Egypt - Yay!!


Gem said...

ooo, I realy hate jabs, I am such a whimp when it comes to one of those

Jen said...

fab babe - have great time - i bet you pack huge amounts of first aid and syringes and antiseptic and B6 and ....well loads of extraordinary stuff!