Saturday, March 25, 2006


Have you seen those wristbands that say W.W.J.D?

Well the other day my lovely hubby and I were discussing Jack Bauer from '24'!

My lovely hubby said - can you imagine if that wristband stood for What Would Jack Do?

We laughed as we realised - Jesus would do the perfect thing, loving, forgiving, while also remaining holy and Jack on the other hand would probably shoot them!


Gem said...

lol, thats a very funny thought, imagine if everyone started saying that!

Jen said...

seriously enough of the Jack Bauer obsession ;)

TommyDB said...


'Where's the bomb!!!'

Jack Bauer doesn't ask questions. He tells them.

TommyDB said...

It would be even worse without Tony or Michelle though.

Lets be honest here.

PP would be missed almost as much, though.