Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I kinda pinched this from Emma's blog!

Ten things I would like to say but have never had the chance/guts...

1) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I thought that I was right, but I was really quite wrong and nieve and a little bit arrogant. Sorry.

2) Why did you start acting crazy? Everything was going so well before then.

3) I love you. Can't explain why - always have - always will.

4) It's OK with me, if you are who you are.

5) I always feel like you never really listen to me and our friendship is all about you and then you do something out of the blue and I wonder if I'm completely wrong.

6) You taught me so much and now I'm doing it!

7) You said it was too quick. It's OK to say that you were wrong now!

8) I wish we could be closer, but every time I try to share with you it freaks you out.

9) You truly are a faithful friend and in my life that is a rare thing.

10) I wish I knew everything then that I knew now - I wouldn't have done it. Sorry.


Juckle said...

Oooh Im honoured (if you mean me?) But I pinched it off someone elses! tee hee!

KT said...

Yeah - I did mean u - Thanx

Jen said...

seriously i'm soooooo curious about who these are about - blogs like this are freaky!!!
If one's about me email me and let me know - go one - be gutsy
Miss you babe