Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Throwing up...

Hi all.

Finally in my busy life I have a moment to blog - why? because I am sitting in bed feeling terrible. I spent most of my day going from the bedroom to the bathroom and puking, half crying and returning to the bedroom.

I awoke this morning at 2am to the sound of Phil chucking up - and he went strong all night. I didn't begin until about 7:30 this morning and it stopped just after 3pm.

Yes, I am feeling a bit sorry for myself - I am sure that I will feel better tomorro - but right now life is pretty stinky! (hmmm - interesting pun) anyway, as I have time to blog - love to u all and hugs.



Juckle said...

aaaw hope you feel better soon xxx

KT said...

Thanks Em, feeling much better.

Yes Nami - come and visit!!!

We would LOVE to see u
