Saturday, September 24, 2005


Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what a shurg is???

Is it....

a) A small cat with bright green eyes.

b) The scummy bit you get in the kettle when you have used it for months.

c) The taste you get in your mouth after you vomit.

d) Like a shrug but not quite managing it.

Any ideas???


TommyDB said...

I like c :D

TommyDB said...

You don't sigh during a shrug.

You kinda make a sort of 'I don't know sound' but in a humming way.

"Immm Mmmm Nmmmm"

Gem said...

hmm, I agree wit Loz. I like your definitions!

T said...

LoL - I don't know if you're kidding or not, but I searched for Shurg on google and it looks like it's one of those little cardigan-type things that only covers the top-half of your torso and kind of ties around your front?

You can buy them on ebay!