Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Icy cold - can't hack it!

Hello everyone!

It is sooooooooooooooooooooo cold

I can't hack it!! I am someone who needs the warmth - and not central heating warmth - but the sun!! I need the sun!!! HOT HOT SUN!!!

okay I know it is not as bad as the arctic - but when u r a little person you really feel the cold - and I am freezing!!

It is time for thermal underwear and wooly socks - scarfs, ear muffs and balaclavas!

wrap up people and stay warm!



Gem said...

Yep its soooo cold, but the thing that I'm noticing as well is all the fog- makes everywhere look a bit scary :-s

TommyDB said...

None of us in Australia and neither are you, Loz. Muhaha.

And I know what you mean Kate. I'm not little but I found out the other day I've only got 10% body fat!

That's rubbish!

Adam said...

More snow, bring it on! :)