Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just sand and water...

Ok, deep blog....

So, I am listening to this song by Beth Neilson Chapman called 'Sand and Water'...

It is really inspiring - because it is speaking of the challenges of life - of which there are many - daily for me!

There is a line in it which says 'solid stone is just sand and water, sand and water and a million years gone by'. So what does it mean? Well I have thought about this and for me, I felt it means that the thing that seems inpenetrable 'solid stone' just appears that way but actually it is just a combination of simpler things, penetrable things, 'sand and water' which with the passing of time have appeared unbeatable - but they are not!

I know that nothing is impossible for God, but sometimes situations and circumstances seem beyond our control... but from a different perspective and often after a little time we realise - that those situations and problems are actually quite small and we can overcome them.

Whatever it is that is holding you back - don't be afraid... God is in control - it's gonna be okay!

1 comment:

Adam said...

All good then :)

Beth Chap is really great, very charged with emotion and depth.