Thursday, February 23, 2006

It's all about 4

The 4 thing

Four Jobs I have ever had in my life:

1. Till assistant in KWIK SAVE (not so much fun)
2. Advisor for Barclays Bank (lots of fun)
3. Nurse on the Cardiac Ward at the Children's hospital (fun, but tough)
4. Nurse in theatres at the Dental Hospital (loving it!)

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

1. Anne of Green Gables
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. The Thomas Crown Affair
4. Lord of the Rings (all)

Four Places I have lived:
1. Bath
2. Patchway, Bristol
3. Gloucester
4. Manchester

Four TV Shows I love to watch:

1. Friends
2. Quantum Leap
3. Sex in the City
4. Pop Idol/American Idol etc.

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. America
2. Crete, Greece
3. The Gambia
4. Hurghada, Egypt

Four websites I visit daily:
2. Msn
3. BBC weather (I know, how sad)
4. Yahoo music (not really daily but hey)

Four of my favourite foods:

1. Fajitas
2. Chocolate (dark preferably)
3. Peppercorn crisps (handmade, mmmm lovely)
4. Smoothies (does that count?)

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Heaven
2. In bed sleeping
3. Having a bubble bath
4. On a beach, somewhere hot

Four people I am tagging:

1. Sam
2. Rachael
3. Maz, via Loz's blog
4. Phil, Via mine

1 comment:

KT said...

Hey lovely ladies,

Well basically it means - u guys have to answer all these same questions and show them in your blog (or lozzas). I guess it comes from the game 'tag' - basically 'you guys are IT'

love you XXX