Friday, February 17, 2006

Remember to say thanks...

I felt the need to blog this, cos I have had sooooo much time to think in the last week.

I have been pretty ill, but I am loads better now. Yay!

I have had food poisoning... so painful. (Campylobacter, for anyone with a medical interest!) However, over the last few days as I have been feeling a little sorry for myself I remembered how blessed I am - in so many ways.

Today is the first day in NINE days that I have been able to eat properly and I realised that eating is a wonderful wonderful thing that I take for granted every day. I am so blessed that I can open my fridge door, or pop to the shops and eat pretty much anything I like, some people live in countries/situations where that is just not possible.

So remember folks, when you have your next lunch, dinner, breakfast, maybe take the time to say a little thanks, to Him who gives us our daily bread - and so much more besides!

Thanks God, I love you!


Jen said...

ah babe - food poisoning nasty - vomitting is grim.
Glad you're feeling better - must catch up soon yeah? let us know when you're free

Sam said...

awww poor kt;) i know i always think of that, and ow in the mornings when my mum and dad 4get to pt the heating on and im freezing, i just think of those poor people:(