Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I have been meaning to write this blog for a while - inspired by a relative of mine and then inspired by Tom - when I read his blog today.

I recently went to a funeral of an amazing lady. She died of leukemia and was very brave - right to her last breath.

At her funeral - we listened to Ronan Keating's version of 'I hope you dance'. It is an inspiring song which speaks of living a life without regret and when you get asked not choosing to 'sit this one out' but instead choosing to dance. Tom wrote a poem about living a life without regret and it reminded me that I needed to write this blog.

The only way to live a life without regret is to live a life knowing Jesus!!!

I will never get over God's amazing grace!

It's amazing isn't it?!

I mean, I just keep on 'fluffing up' and letting God down - sometimes really big time - but God is so patient with me and tells me he loves me and not only that he loves me - but that he's crazy about me...

It doesn't seem right does it? I mean, I simply don't deserve it!

I say that to God sometimes and he laughs and says -

'I know. At last you are starting to understand. You don't deserve it - and that Katie is entirely the point!'

I love God soooooooooooooooooo much, it just bursts out of me - yay!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

I want to make you feel beautiful

What a wonderful line!

It is from the song - she will be loved by Maroon five!

When you love some one you really do feel like 'I don't mind spending every day, out on your corner in the pouring rain!'

ah, sweet aint it.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Never say never...

At work today I was reminded that many other people are not only realistic but actually - without hope. I challenged a few people on 'believing that things might change' in circumstances that they were stuggling with.

I realise that it is hard to believe that some one who lives their life being 'angry' might suddenly be nice - but of course, I have seen it happen and I know what Jesus can do!

We should never say never - because nothing - absaloutely nothing is impossible for him!

Love you all

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Ten minutes is such a long time...

...when you have burnt your hand and you are holding it under an icy tap!

So, I know, - it was a moments stupidity - I was making myself a hot water bottle - and the kettle had just boiled. I poured the water into the bottle and a moments lapsed concentration, the kettle hand slipped and I poured hot water all over my hand! Ouch!

So, I held it under the tap for ten minutes - it was so cold and seemed such an eternity. I am a nurse you see - so I have to take my own medicine - besides I know it really works - when I was younger someone dropped boiling water all over my legs. I stood under a cold shower for about 20 minutes and - no mark, nothing! It was amazing. It really does work - it is worth the pain. When I was a bit older I burnt my thumb on a baking tray and I decided I had held it under cold water for long enough - after about two minutes - that burn hurt soooooooooo much and took ages to heal!

Ten minutes is a long time tho' ...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just sand and water...

Ok, deep blog....

So, I am listening to this song by Beth Neilson Chapman called 'Sand and Water'...

It is really inspiring - because it is speaking of the challenges of life - of which there are many - daily for me!

There is a line in it which says 'solid stone is just sand and water, sand and water and a million years gone by'. So what does it mean? Well I have thought about this and for me, I felt it means that the thing that seems inpenetrable 'solid stone' just appears that way but actually it is just a combination of simpler things, penetrable things, 'sand and water' which with the passing of time have appeared unbeatable - but they are not!

I know that nothing is impossible for God, but sometimes situations and circumstances seem beyond our control... but from a different perspective and often after a little time we realise - that those situations and problems are actually quite small and we can overcome them.

Whatever it is that is holding you back - don't be afraid... God is in control - it's gonna be okay!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Icy cold - can't hack it!

Hello everyone!

It is sooooooooooooooooooooo cold

I can't hack it!! I am someone who needs the warmth - and not central heating warmth - but the sun!! I need the sun!!! HOT HOT SUN!!!

okay I know it is not as bad as the arctic - but when u r a little person you really feel the cold - and I am freezing!!

It is time for thermal underwear and wooly socks - scarfs, ear muffs and balaclavas!

wrap up people and stay warm!


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Sun-kissed skys

Sun-kissed skys make me think of you,
They remind me of your grace,

Scattered clouds make me think of you,
How I long to see your face.

Gentle rain makes me think of you,
I love to feel it on my skin,

A smile makes me think of you,
I feel loved deep within.

New born babes make me think of you,
I can feel your sweet delight,

When I feel swamped by this dark world,
I remember you're the everlasting light.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Jump up and down...

I realise that I am very blessed. I am someone who sees the glass half full...

Despite tuff situations and problems or concerns, I have found that I am blessed because I am able to see the good in people... somedays this can be a challenge don't get me wrong, but overall I live my life feeling happy. I know that this is due to the fact that I have a best friend who is incomparable - and so I am thankful for that too.

I just wanted to encourage you that however you feel today - regardless of that - you are beautiful. If you feel sad try jumping up and down a few times, eventually what happens for me is that I feel a little bit of a nutter and wonder if anyone can see me - this makes me laugh and subsequently makes me feel a lot better... try it!

If this doesn't work - find a friend and get a hug - we all need them. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

No one like my best friend....

There is no one like my best friend....

He's the best!

So, the story goes that Kt is looking for a pretty dress to wear at her Christmas work party...

She and Phil trapse round Bath where Kt tries on 101 dresses in most average shops - nothing fits Kt cos she is tiny! This begins to have a bad effect :( Kt begins to feel bad and sad...

Sp Phil suggests looking in some more expensive shops - and we try them - but Kt refuses to try on a dress costing £150 - what if she likes it!!!! Oh my goodness!

So finally in jane norman she finds three dresses that are pretty and fit better than most - They cost around £40 which is reasonable for a dress but still she doesn't really want to spend that much on a dress that fits 'ok', esp. with Christmas costs looming.

So she turns to her best friend who says 'don't worry I'll get u one'. (No I am not talking about Phil who is also great.)

Today she goes shopping and looks around a few charity shops - cos she will happily buy from them - and she finds the perfect dress - beautiful, fits perfectly - incidentally also from jane norman - but costing - wait for it only £2.99.

I love you, I love you, I love you...

Thank you that u care about every detail in my life - You are my best friend!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Pumpkin Pie

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone!

Well, on Saturday I tried Pumpkin Pie.... ever tasted it?

It tastes kind of sweet and savoury at the same time... quite nice really.

It makes me feel like we ought to celebrate 'Thanksgiving' like the Americans.

I mean - I know we (hopefully) thank God every day - but it seems right that we have a day set aside when we just say 'Thanks'.

We are so blessed, in so many ways!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Remember remember...

Well tomorrow is 'Bonfire night' the 5th Of November and we are supposed to 'remember it'!

Just to let u know people that the weather forecast is rain and not just rain but very very cold!

I am not a huge fan of Bonfire night - that is probably because I am a children's nurse and working November the 5th can be a very busy night - and not in a good way.

Also because I just don't enjoy standing around in the cold. No fun!! I remember when I was younger we used to go to see firework displays and I think I spent most of the evening fighting back the tears...

Firstly because I had to eat undercooked hamburgers (yuck) and secondly because for anyone who doesn't know me very well, my feet are always cold... Ok, not entirely true, they are warm when they are in a hot bath and first thing in the morning before I get out of bed - other than that - cold all the time. So, standing around in the cold means that I begin not to be able to feel my feet and then my legs... and I get pins and needles in them. Then when I do warm up, oh the pain!!! I can no longer hold back the tears!

So - Bonfire night, hmmm......... think I might give it a miss this year and watch the pretty fireworks from the safety of my warm house. :)

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I have fallen in love with this song... by Howie Day (and wot a great name Howie)

The dawn is breaking, our lights shining through,
Your barely waking and I'm tangled up in you,


I'm open your closed, where I follow you'll go,
I worry I won't see your face light up again,

Even the best fall down sometimes,
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme,
Out of the doubt that fills my mind,
I somehow find, you and I collide.

I'm quiet you know, you make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind,

Even the best fall down sometimes,
Even the stars refuse to shine,
Out of the back you fall in time,
You somehow find, you and I collide,

Don't stop here, I've lost my place,
I'm close behind.

Even the best fall down sometimes,
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme,
Out of the doubt that fills your mind,
you finally find, you and I collide

You finally find, you and I collide
You finally find , you and I collide.

If you go to yahoo music you can watch the music vid for free

Stamp your feet and love it...

So yesterday evening - I and a few other supportive friends tried flamenco dancing...

Um, basically we stamped our feet - a lot!

It was good fun - but not as much as Salsa...

I imagine it would be good if u had a lot of pent up anger that u needed to be rid of!

It is extremely moody and I like that about it - If u don't dance with feeling u look a bit stupid - u have to really go for it. U also have to be quite rhythmic and learn clapping patterns - so don't go if you can't clap a rhythm.

Flamenco - not for the weak hearted! Be feisty! Do Flamenco! Be sexy - Do salsa! Be beautiful - Do ballroom dancing! Be tantalising - Do the Tango!!

But whatever you do make sure you dance as if no one is watching you - just do it!!

(I know, sorry that I sound like a Nike advert)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Shame on you all!!

I mean really Lozza may be on the other side of the world - but that is no reason to stop blogging people!!

In fact we all have a duty to blog in 'Lozza's place while she is far away - so she can read our blogs and feel loved....

Plus, no one seems to be blogging and I am bored of looking at the same old, same old, every time I log on...

So if you don't start blogging soon - I will start making comments on all your blogs!!!

The game of 'Chestor'

Well you may ask what is the game of Chestor....

Quite right too. It is an excellent game - invented by my niece (aged 3yrs.)

It is a little like Chess - except that you can move any piece anywhere and take any other piece on the board - including your own!!

It is a quick game and I have to say - more agreeable than Chess.

Rock on Chestor!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Oh so surprising

Well, I have to say that I have been oh so pleasantly surprised!!

I assumed (silly me) that not many people read my blog... I thought that, well, I blog and then one or two people comment - so maybe one or two people read my blog. CLEARLY the amount of comments I receive bears no indication to the number of people who read my blog.

I blogged my last blog about being ill and have had soooo many people contact me (txting mainly) sending me love and prayers!

So, I would like to say 'Thanks - for caring' I love you all sooo much! Thank you for your prayers and your love!!

You have inspired me to keep blogging!

We are (incidentally) both much better - altho Phil is still not back up to full health!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I just felt the need to make this blog - I apologise to everyone who is about to/just had their dinner...

Phil and I have both been unwell and vomiting... just wanted to share that!

I hate vomiting - It makes me want to cry. I sat on the edge of the bed and prayed 'Lord, if it is bad, get it out - but please help me - cos I hate it sooooo much.' I promptly vomited, but you know my theory is - if it's bad then its better out than in!

It is now Tuesday evening and my tummy is still sore - I have still eaten hardly anything and feel like a big pile of 'yuckyness'.

Thumbs up that the body gets rid of the bad stuff! Thumbs down to the way that it happens!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

For some people its all about sex!

Well, someone who shall remain nameless told me that sex should have been listed as one of the 5 things that makes me the happiest. ( I love you btw)

Can I just say to u all - what I said to them -

Sex does not make me 'happy'. I know you will all be wondering lots of things now and I can't help that.

Sex, with the right person, will make you feel something very different to 'happy'. It will take you to another place entirely. It is a wonderful thing...


it's important that its not all about sex. ;)

There you see an entire blog of its own!

Make a comment know you want to!

Monday, October 24, 2005

It didn't work

Sorry babe,

I tried to blog about the thing you want me to blog about ....

It didn't work - so I took it as a sign from the Lord that I should not be making that blog.


Friday, October 21, 2005

Today is great!

Some days are better than others aren't they?

I mean it's just a fact of life. We look forward to some more than others.

BUT, God reminded me - as I was struggling through my day today....

Today is great. Why? This is what he said.....

Today is great - because you are in it and I am in it.

Remember whatever today has brought you -
It is still a great day -
cos He is in it and you are in it and that means you are both in it together.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

5 things that make me the happiest

1) Jesus. Well he has to be first simply because I am happier with him than with anyone else in the whole wide world. He always makes me laugh - even when no-one else can. He always knows exactly how I am feeling and loves me even when I am 'crazy girl'. He's the tops!

2) Loving someone. Being able to love someone and just look at them and smile is great. Taking the time to examine their eyes so that you can remember them when you are not with them. Working out exactly how they like their tea so you can make it to perfection. Ah love is bliss.

3) Being loved! Having some one smile at you and see love in their eyes. Someone who lets you tuck your cold feet under them even though they are really not loving it! To be loved. What an honour.

4) Friends. People - people who are there for me. Friends who know how to make me laugh and smile. Friends who notice if I seem quiet and txt me to check I am Ok. Friends who do mad things like dress up in strange hats and walk around the town!! Friends who even if I don't see them for a while slip into a comfortableness as if they were my old slippers! (no offense)

5) Laughing!! I love to laugh. I really love smiling and most days I look in the mirror and smile at myself. It is not hard to think of something that will make me smile - For example, I look in the mirror and I notice that I (NOT a beauty expert) recently tried to pluck my eyebrows and if you look really closely you can see that they are uneven. Spock could be my middle name! I def. need to steer clear of the beauty stuff - I just can't get it!!

Anything that makes me laugh is great - esp. a loud from the gut type laugh. You know it starts as a giggle, grows into a sort of snuffle and then suddenly it's like you can't hold back and it is a similar feeling to vomiting (except in a nice way) it just spills out everywhere and overtakes you. It is great to laugh.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

5 things that scare me the most...

1) Wasps - my friend once had one go down his shirt and it stung him three times! It was scary.

2) Human nature. It really scares me that 'people' have the capacity to kill, to injure and abuse in the way that they do.

3) Letting others down. Sometimes this can give me sleepless nights - I really really hate letting others down, esp God.

4) Letting myself down. Let's just not go there!

5) Having to swim under water. Ok. this may be a bit silly, but I have had an awful inner ear problem and I am not supposed to get my ears wet - so if I get my head under water I get scared that maybe I will get ill again. Being unable to tie my own shoelaces is so depressing!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I want to say...

Thanks, Thankyou a thousand times, because of you I'm me,
I'm so in love with you, it's because of you I'm free.

Yes! To all the things that you long for me to do,
I'm crazy crazy crazy, so crazy about you.

Sorry for the things I do, and all the things I don't,
I'd like to say I'll stop, but I can't, so I won't.

Love ya, without you I just know I wouldn't cope,
You are my sweet Lord Jesus, my only solid hope.

Monday, October 10, 2005


So, we are playing the name in the hat game - do you know it?

Everyone writes down as many famous people or characters as they can (around 20 each) then they go in a hat and you have to describe the person you pick out - without mentioning their name. Everyone else has to guess who you are describing. So this is a true narrative of the delightful game. Hilarious...

Andy: Ok, ok it's the face of Walt disney

Bruce: um, ah, Bugs Bunny!

*Laughter* Andy looks at Bruce blankly!

Then it's my go...

Katie: Oh, he's an american president, um,

Cat: (starts naming loads of actual american presidents)

Katie: No, no his first name is the same as Darren's dad's dog!

*crazy expressions*

Katie: oh, you probably don't know that do you?

Tom: Winston Churchill was not an american president, Kate!

Katie: Ah, yes - that's him, sorry.

Well it was very funny at the time!

Sorry to anyone who has already read this - but have to add to it after reading Tom's blog!

Have you ever been to Bruce and Cat's? They live in a top floor apartment that looks out onto the street where if u r lucky u can park your car. Enabling you to look out are large glass doors. When Tom was there on Sunday this is what happened.

Tom: Hi Kate, alright?

Kate: Yep, good thanks

Tom walks over to glass doors

Tom: I parked really well - a good parallel park if I do say so myself

Kate looks out glass doors

Tom: Yeah, just there - see my car?

Tom walks into glass doors - head first

Tom: Doh!

Kate and Mark - laugh a lot

Kate: I'm gonna blog this

Friday, October 07, 2005


My job is great. I mean most days I find that I enjoy it while I am there and forget about it immediately after I leave - for me that is the perfect kind of job...there are so many other things in my life I don't want my job to invade my life outside of my work time.

Today, however, my job was fantastic. I was looking after a boy who was having teeth out under general anaesthetic and this is a summary of our meeting - for the sake of his privacy we'll call him Billy...

I met Billy and began to prepare him for his anaesthetic. I put 'special' cream on him, gave him calpol and chatted to him. I could tell that Billy was quite scared so I did what I do when a child is scared - I smiled - a big wide smile and told him, 'Billy don't worry, everyone here is very nice and we will look after you'.

Billy smiled back at me - the kind of smile that makes you want to smile even more. His face lit up and he said to me in a confidential whisper 'Katie, I'm a bit tired and bored'. I smiled even more and replied 'I know, but soon it will all be finished and we will give you a nice drink, ok'. He nodded and gave me a huge grin all over again.

Then Billy went off to sleep and when he woke up another nurse was looking after him. Billy woke up very frightened and was struggling on the bed and crying out. I swiftly moved over to the bed and called his name - 'Billy' He turned his head, looked at me and I smiled, a big wide smile. 'It's me' I said, He smiled back at me the hugest smile and his face was full of peace instantly. 'Do you remember Katie?' the other nurse asked him. Billy just carried on looking at me, smiling and nodded his head. My spirit soared and I realised that I am so blessed. He knew that there was nothing to be afraid of and that makes me so happy.

What a priviledge it is to do my job.

I love curry...

Every week we have some new taste sensation - this week it's curry.

I love curry!

Not the after effects but I love the moment!

Yum yum.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Faithful Friend

You always listen, you lift me up,
You know just what to say,
When I am feeling weak and tired,
You brighten up my day.

When fear begins to take a grip,
and guilt knocks at my door,
you hold me close and whisper,
My sweet girl, fear no more,

Without you, I would give up,
I would just slip and fall,
I feel like I'm surrounded,
with brick wall to brick wall,

But then you call my name out loud,
and pull me from the mist,
you set my mind at peace again,
with just one gentle kiss,

The pain and hurt don't go away,
but from beginning, till the end,
you'll hold my hand and stand with me,
My ever faithful friend.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

To make or not to make

So people what do we think????

Those for making the bed.......

Those against...........

State your reasons please.

Before I met Phil I was a student and therefore - against - my reasons (cough)

-No one sees it
-It's my bed I can do as I please
-I am just going to mess it up again - (soon hopefully)
-It takes energy - I need all the energy I can get!

Phil's reasons for

-It looks nice
-It feels better when you get into a made bed
-It takes no energy - it is a duvet for crying out loud!
-It is OUR bed and plenty of people see it

So people, make your vote - to make or not to make??

It's up to you...

Friday, September 30, 2005

Sausages and chocolate

Last nite we had a fondue. The thing that I really love about fondues is the abolishment of the savoury / sweet rule.

Usually you are not supposed to have a mouthful of chocolate followed by sausage covered in cheese - but there is something quite delicious about having a bit of this with a bit of that!!

We had an oil one, a cheese one and two choc ones, - a milk and a dark with orange (whihc by the way is revolutionary in fondue and everyone should try it)

It really was a yummy scrummy nite.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I don't mean to deceive...

It's just that when I say I am fine - I am probably not.

I don't mean to be deceptive, it's just my way of trying to convince myself. It's my way of being positive.

If I say I am good or ok, or not too bad or great then I am but if I say I am fine I am pretty sure fine is the one thing that I am not.

I realised recently that saying I am 'fine' is something I say to keep any questions at bay, so I apologise - I didn't realise that I did it and I will try to be more honest in the future. It is hard tho' as it is something I say automatically whenever I am not fine.


Saturday, September 24, 2005


Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what a shurg is???

Is it....

a) A small cat with bright green eyes.

b) The scummy bit you get in the kettle when you have used it for months.

c) The taste you get in your mouth after you vomit.

d) Like a shrug but not quite managing it.

Any ideas???

Friday, September 23, 2005

Good Friends

Good Friends are like...

A breath of fresh air on a hot stuffy day,

A light in the dark when it seems there's no way,

They hold you up when you feel like you'll drop,

When you've done far too much they gently say stop,

They'll make you smile when you can't go on,

They sit there and listen when you've talked for too long,

They love 'in spite of' and know your not perfect,

They kindly forgive, they tell you you're worth it,

They choose to forget all those silly mistakes,

When things are just 'normal', they bring you cream cakes,

Good friends still love you, when you're in a state,

So just letting you know, good friends, you are great!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


A love song can say a thousand things,
but there are no words that express how I feel about you,

A sunburst can take my breath away,
but you gave me my first breath,

Laughter can make my heart swell with joy,
but you are my smile when the laughter ends,

There are a million tastes that I long to experience,
but you are the sweetest,

A kiss can make me soar on eagles wings,
but one moment with you and I am forever changed,

I love you, am in love with you, crazy about you,

Swept away, overwhelmed, knocked over, head spinning,

I love you more.....

Thursday, September 08, 2005

'Everything's gonna be alright'

Do you ever have days when things seem wrong... the world seems to collide with every emotion and feeling you have...

You know you can't put your finger on what it is exactly but it seems that everything is out of time and breathing seems to hurt. I have those days from time to time.

It is on those days that God says to me 'Katie, everything is gonna be alright sweetheart.'

I immediately know that this is true and that whatever I am facing - it is going to be OK. Every little thing is going to be alright.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

'The hazards of leafleting'

There are several hazards to leaflet delivering.

1. Rain - Ok so perhaps not a plausable hazard but it can be a problem. You know wet leaflets, cold hands, wet jeans, heavy legs... Thankfully we have had not a spot since delivering in Cardiff.

2. Letterboxes - Ok, these are a definite hazard. Firstly you get the simple kind, a nice easy metal flap which opens... then there is a stage two letterbox which is slightly tougher cos the flap has a spring in it... you need two hands to use this kind! Then we have the double whammy. Ok theres a flap on the outer box and one on the inside - again two hands are required to deliver your leaflet. Then we have the feisty furry kind. Ok, these have flaps but also a fur/hair barrier to prevent you from pushing the leaflet through. Two hands are required and also a little prayer. Finally the real hazard is the combination box. Two flaps with spring and fur/hair. These require some training - you have to wedge your hand through the fur and flick the inner flap up in order to post the leaflet. You may also need an extra pair of hands to deal with this little troublemaker.

3. Dogs - Ah yes, you all knew I was gonna get to it. You see today we were leafleting and a certain person who shall remain nameless got chased by a dog today. The back gate was open and a rather large dog chased her all the way down the path as she screamed, ran for dear life and lost her shoe!! It was an extremely hazardous situation I think you would agree...

So what is the advice about leafleting.... avoid it? NO, not at all, you know the hazards now and well quite frankly we need you - so do it, do it, do it.

We go out again on Monday if anyone fancys it?

P. S. A HUGE THANK YOU - to all those who came out today - esp. those I 'convinced' to come. You weathered the hazards well. You wonderful people!!! I love you !!!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The colour of pee...

Did you know that your pee should be clear in colour and odourless??

If it is not then you are not drinking enough fluid. Ideally you should be drinking water too. Interestingly water is the very best fluid for you... not really surprising seeing as it's the one God made.

You see, fizzy drinks will rot your teeth away (isn't that right Maria?) In fact if you leave a tooth in a cup of coke overnight by morning it will have been completely eaten away(yuck). Squash is better than fizzy but it will still rot your teeth, leaving them with a nice sugary coating. Tea and Coffee are diuretics (this means they make you want to pee) and they don't provide you with the 'good stuff' except maybe the staining of your teeth - ooohhh and make you a caffeine addict. Fruit juice and milk are better, they do have good stuff, but if you drink them all the time they will also eventually rot your teeth.

So water, get into it - I mean it's free and it's the best thing for you (duh!)

That's the way to perfect pee!!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Action girl!

Hello everyone! I am back!

In case you weren't aware - yes we went away again. Phil and I went away with his family to North wales. We had a spendid time. It was lovely to see all the family and we got up to some fun stuff while we were there too.

I climbed Snowdon - My first time and it was cool if a little scary. Phil and his twin bro Timmy decided they would like to try the toughest route which is described by the guide as 'treacherous' in places. Well prior to this I said that I would like to join them... do you think I could back out now... NO!! be outdone by the men - surely not!! So I did it. It was a great sense of achievement. There was one weak moment when we were almost at the summit...(we had lost the path by now cos of all the fog and we were just scrambling our way up the rock face hand over foot) and I admit I felt like crying, because I could not see properly, my hands were sore from having to grab on and the climb was almost vertical. It was just momentary and I pushed through it and hooray - we made it to the top - No view of course because of all the fog, but it was awesome wicked!!!

We also did white water rafting which was TOTALLY TOTALLY AWESOME!!! I loved it!!! We went on a wet day and the river was cold - but it was the most fun - ever!! I was a bit scaredy before I went - cos I am a bit of a baby really - but I loved it sooooooo much. Basically you (7 people) travel in this dingy thing. You have to sit on the top of the outer bit and paddle 'back wards and forwards' then when the guy says you have to hold on to the little rope and 'lean in' - lest you get swept away and then when it gets really rough he shouts 'get down' and then everyone leaps like mad things to the bottom of the boat so that when you hit the rocks and waves you do not get thrown over!! It is mad and cool and a major rush. One time when the guy shouted 'hold on - lean in' I couldn't reach the rope in time so I flew into the air and thankfully bounced back into the boat - ha ha - he shouted 'nearly lost you then' which was true and I loved it all the more. I totally recommend white water rafting - I did not think too much of it before I went but now I would jump at the chance to go again.

We also went on something called 'rope works'. Anyone ever done this? This is when you have to walk around a 30ft 'High walk' and do the 'leap of faith' - (basically climbing up a high pole and jumping off) There is also a high swing and you get pulled back on this huge swing to about 30ft and then you pull this little thing and it releases you and boy do you swing! Of course you get to wear a harness and before we went on it we were all like 'oh yeah, that's really nothing' and then when you get on it your thinking 'what if my harness wasn't properly tied etc etc...' It is such a rush!!

I also got to spend quality time with my two nieces - who are gorgeous!! One is 8 and one is 3. They are both the sweetest thing!!

All in all - I was named 'action girl' and had a very active week and am planning to go back to work to recover.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

How I love to pack...

Packing has to be one of the worst jobs.

I mean I guess it is better than unpacking - but even so... I iron my clothes and fold them (or actually I roll them) into my suitcase ready for my holiday and what is the first thing I have to do when I arrive - I have to iron my badly creased clothes!!! What joy. I am obviously doing it wrong.

Phil and I are off tomorrow to 'Bala' and although it sounds like some really sunny, far away shore I think that you will find that that is in fact 'Bali' and we are going to Bala - North wales!!

Well I am sure it will be lovely. I have never been up Snowdon before - so there is a new challenge there - and we love new challenges don't we!

So, we leave tomorrow morning and the packing I have achieved thus far amounts to Zero!!!

In fact Phil just came in and asked me why I have time to blog when I have not packed. He has a real and very valid point there. I replied that 'I don't have time to blog and that is why it has become so necessary.' Because you see when you become so busy that madness sets in - then that is the perfect time to blog!

So, I am going to go now and do a spot of ironing and perhaps even some packing.

I don't believe there is a computer anywhere near where we are....Do they have them in Wales yet? (Just kidding Jen)

Love you all lots and lots,

Biggest kisses,


Thursday, August 18, 2005

10 Reasons for loving Lauren Jones...

Well today is Loz's birthday so I feel the need to write this blog as she is truly a delicious person and although indeed I could fill a whole book with reasons for loving her - I will just name a few...

1) Lauren is a giver - Loz is someone who will always have time to listen even when she is busy/tired/stressed herself or I have already talked for 13 hours solid!! She is a true giver.

2) Lauren is B.E.A utiful! She is gorgeous and yet so unassuming. I love that about her.

3) Lauren is 'huggy'. Loz gives me the greatest hugs and sometimes you just need that little pick me up - she is great at hugging.

4) Lauren is in a world of her own. Lauren lives in another world but is kind enough to grace us with her presence and make us all laugh (you gotta love that!)

5) Lauren is a chocolate freak. Yep she always has chocolate - what more could you ask for in a friend.

6) Lauren is trustworthy. When she says she will do something - she really does it and that is worth more than gold.

7) Lauren crys when she is sad - yep - it's a reason why I love her. She wears her heart on her sleeve and just says it how it is. If she's sad - you know it and I love her for that.

8) Lauren loves to laugh!! She is a girl who laughs more than she crys (altho some months it is close) and she makes me laugh when she laughs!

9) Lauren is passionate about God - ah yes, the God thing. When you see God in her it's like a bright light (sometimes crazy colours!!) and she radiates Him.

10) She loves me. I love it that Loz loves me, it makes me feel all gooey inside like melted chocolate. She is a wonderful, faithful friend who I adore.


Thursday, August 11, 2005


What a great word. Goobers. Well two days ago whilst waiting for the plane I ate Goobers. I know, I know it doesn't sound like something you can eat - or perhaps better phrased it doesn't sound like something you should eat. Lets put it out there. What do YOU think Goobers are??

Phil and I are back from the great US of A and apart from being a little jet-lagged we are doing great. We had such a wonderful time. I am so blessed. God is so faithful isn't he!

While we were away we did a lot of things. Yes I did go on the dirtbike and now I am an addict - It was the MOST fun ever!! I totally loved it. I was like 'again, again' let me go!!! The exhilaration was immense. It has brought me so much closer to God. I know that sounds a little strange but I feel like becoming more excited about life has made me more excited about God and also it had made me feel a little more adventurous - which is always a good thing with God - Do you know he LOVES adventures - like there is sooooooooooo much adventure in the Bible- I love it - I love it that God loves doing radical fun stuff, how amazin is our God. I am loving Him so much!!!!

Monday, August 01, 2005


Well not quite yet perhaps...but I am working on it. I truly hate my own fears and try and make myself do the thing that scares me so that I can overcome it. Does anyone know what I mean?

So we are in America and so far I feel I have done pretty well. I have tried waterskiing, tubing..been up in a little plane. I have even driven over here. I have yet to go dirtbiking but I am determined that I will.

Usually you see I would opt not to do these things being a little bit of a scaredy cat but every single one has afforded a great deal of joy so I am so happy that I have made myself do them. Life is so short and I don't want to live with any regrets!!

My favourite thing so far has been tubing -let me explain... basically you sit in a large rubber ring and get pulled along by a speed boat. Because I am little I had a very bumpy ride - SO MUCH FUN!!! I screamed the whole time... my mouth was open a lot so I swallowed a lot of water too - it was great!

I would like to overcome all my fears - Most of my fears are of people. Mainly men (serious moment for a second) I would love to be totally fearless. You know perfect love drives out fear. I do know perfect love from my heavenly father. I am so blessed. My brother has written an excellent song about how God has made us fearless.

So, my challenge to you today - what is the thing that scares you? Choose today to overcome it! Go on you can do it.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Should be in bed sleeping...

Well, right now I should be in bed. I know this is true because I can feel the heaviness pulling my eyelids down...

However I am also very excited and this is preventing me from sleep. I know that tomorrow I will be travelling for a very long time and will probably not be able to sleep much in the car, on the plane, etc. so really the sensible thing is to sleep now, but knowing the sensible thing doesn't always mean that you do it - does it?!

It's funny because we think that as we get older we learn our 'lessons' and become sensible people but the truth is that altho we KNOW more sensible things that doesn't mean we do more sensible things. In fact it is interesting because I think that as I have become older I am less inclined to do or say the sensible thing!!!

Well I am off to bed finally and I will try and get the balance between being sensible and living life to the full (lol). It is so essential isn't it - living!

Thankful (seeing as Tom writes poems - I thought I would share one of mine)

In this world where it seems a moment cannot be guaranteed...
I am thankful.

When pain and trials pull on my heart and there seems no end in sight.
I am thankful.

I glimpse something of my destiny, eternity with you. I am so thankful.

I see again precious moments in the smallest things,
like shafts of light that brighten the darkest room.
I am thankful.

When heartache comes and emptiness surprises me, I am still thankful.

When weariness overwhelms and I feel I can't keep going, I am so thankful.

Thankful for your peace, for your love, for your mercy to me.

Thankful that you are the wind beneath my wings causing me to fly, that you are the anchor that keeps me from being washed away.

My rock, my love, my everything, My Jesus.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Got up too early...

Well this morning I got up too early...

Anyone ever done that? It is a totally random thing as I am really exhausted at the moment but for some reason my body awoke me at 6am and that was it - no more sleep for me - despite being shattered. And actually I have a hundred and one things to do, but decided that probably the most essential thing was to go round reading everyones blog and updating my own.

I have realised that 'blogging' takes quite a bit of work. Anyone else realised this...(Gem?) I mean not only do I have to think of something to say but it actually really needs to be of some interest. And of course I have to remember that I have a blog in the first place!!!!

I also think (bit deeper now) ooooohhhh I hear u cry, that blogging is hard work because you can choose what to say and then what people see of you and therefore maybe the image you portray is one - sided or well, not fully you. I am not saying that 'blogging' can't be really honest but rather that because I 'know' lots of you in 'real life' I kinda know what you're like a bit, and can't imagine what it would be like if I read your blog and didn't know you at all.

I also think it is hard work as it sometimes feels a bit risky putting yourself out there....

Like telling the world 'I LOVE JASON DONOVAN' ( I don't incidentally) but I might and then I would wonder what do you think of me?

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Feeling hot, hot, hot!!

Wow everyone, isn't it hot? I have to say that I love it. I really love this hot weather. I love the sunshine, isn't it beautiful? And I love being able to walk around in the evening when it is still warm. It's great! God is soooooo good. I just felt the need to shout that out.

I have seriously got that Friday feeling...totally excited about the weekend. Sometimes I just feel really overwhelmed by how much God loves me and I know that I should feel the same way - rain or shine but when the sun is shining and I feel a gentle breeze on my cheek I just feel God smiling at me and I feel as if I have just been given a big kiss - Maybe that's what it really means when people say you look sun-kissed!!

Everyone looking forward to the park event tomorrow? Yeah, me too. See u soon...
Love u all lots. Big kisses, ME XX

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I am so silly (but most of u already know that)

Hello Everyone,

I am so silly. I made a blog then lost it. (Lol)

I feel a little bit better as Maria did the same thing (solidarity)

Anyway, hopefully everyone will now be able to read my blog...

Love u all lots,


Friday, July 08, 2005

It's me - the crazy girl!

Hello everyone!

Well, I have created a blog - 'encouraged' slightly by Gemma! Now I have to think of something to say...

Yesterday was my birthday - I had a fantastic day - thanks to all my friends for love and gifts. You are all gorgeous!.

Please feel free to make a comment. I will be making lots - tee hee XXX