Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Is everyone else busy?

So everyone!

No one appears to be blogging - except of course faithful Lozza.

Is everyone else busy?

I have to say I know the feeling - Christmas is swiftly approaching and I am sooooo busy.

I am helping with the school production which is next weds - so mad rehearsals - as well as doing my own 'Evening of Shakespeare' with the Primary Schools the following weds 20th and of course we have Ofsted in at the moment - so....

no time to blog!

But do love you all dearly


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I love my job!

I love my job.

I love my job.

It's so great cos - my job is not brilliant pay - BUT I used to do my job for free and now I get paid to do all the things I love!

Credit where it is due -Thanks to the Almighty - who knows all things so much better than me!

I love my job but I love you way way more Lord!


Sunday, November 19, 2006

I know I am getting older when...

My little sister has her 21st Birthday!

I am excited about getting a teapot and matching teacups.

I can no longer stay awake all night and still feel good the next day.

Going to bed with a book at 9pm seems a luxury!

A nice leisurely walk after lunch is appealing.

Saying 'cool' is not cool anymore - but I still say it all the time.

Having people to stay is wonderful (and I love to plan all the homecooked meals I am going to make them).

I bid for a butter dish on ebay and it is a higlight that I win it with just one second remaining.

Monday, November 13, 2006

It's a small world...

Well, I discovered once again what a small world we live in...

The RE teacher at the school I am working in - went to the same University as me - and not only the same Uni as me - but in fact the same class as Phil, yep, it turns out that they went to pretty much all the same lectures and hung out together regularly - What are the chances?!!!

It is really quite nice to know that - you may always bump into someone you knew, someone you know and maybe a few people you might get to know in the future.

It is a small world.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I think I will buy everyone pants!

I am having a pre-christmas stress - have bought NO presents and am beginning to panic - having a zillion family members to buy for before we even get to the friends -

So - I have decided - everyone is getting pants. They are useful and everyone needs them.

So there it is decided. Pants for all.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I kinda pinched this from Emma's blog!

Ten things I would like to say but have never had the chance/guts...

1) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I thought that I was right, but I was really quite wrong and nieve and a little bit arrogant. Sorry.

2) Why did you start acting crazy? Everything was going so well before then.

3) I love you. Can't explain why - always have - always will.

4) It's OK with me, if you are who you are.

5) I always feel like you never really listen to me and our friendship is all about you and then you do something out of the blue and I wonder if I'm completely wrong.

6) You taught me so much and now I'm doing it!

7) You said it was too quick. It's OK to say that you were wrong now!

8) I wish we could be closer, but every time I try to share with you it freaks you out.

9) You truly are a faithful friend and in my life that is a rare thing.

10) I wish I knew everything then that I knew now - I wouldn't have done it. Sorry.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I remember being 9

I remember being 9. I remember because I know that I thought people weren't taking me seriously enough, that I had a lot to offer and it felt like I was 'glazed over' 'a child'.

I remember that I had my first kiss - with tongues! (although to be fair - it was during a game of dares and I slapped the boy across the face afterwards for doing it!)

I remember that I understood more than people thought I did and that adults often told each other jokes in code (that were oh so obvious that I totally understood - but didn't let on because then they would stop) Who's the cleverest then?

It's good to reflect on what I remember about being 9 and how I felt - because now I am working with children that age! It is so vital to take them seriously - if you let them - they do have a lot to offer - intelligent ideas, sensitive thoughts.... they can also be very silly - I remember that too! But let's try and always remember how we felt and how we feel!

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Well I have to say that fireworks are not usually my thing - Don't get me wrong I love the sparkling, the colours etc. But I truly hate standing in the cold.

Tonight, however, we have our nephews and nieces staying - they are 2, 4, 7 and 9 years old. We turned all the lights off in the house and watched the fireworks from the windows - They shouted and laughed and screamed and totally loved the experience (being in the warm made it nicer) but it was really really wonderful.


Friday, November 03, 2006

No re-runs


Leaves falling,
Simple beauty.

Take a moment,
to really see it...

to see what He has done...

or autumn will pass you by.

There will never be another one like it.

There are no re-runs.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A list of things to do...

So, I have finished work officially for the day!!

But I have a list of things to do and then a parent's evening to go to at 6pm! (For those of you who are wondering if I have suddenly sprouted children - no I haven't - but I do work in a school and tonight is parent's evening - and actually I volunteered to help - but that's another story).

So, I have a list of things to do - but sometimes it's important not to do the things on the list but to take a moment to think and blogging actually helps me to do that!

I am feeling exhausted after a manic day yesterday - lots of driving around and layer upon layer of busyness. Even today I feel the remnants of yesterdays busyness and feel oh so tired as a result!

Anyway, I guess I will go and hack a few things off the list!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Time for a new style blog !

Hello everyone!

Time for a new style blog - me thinks!

Oh the fun that can be had - on re-styling a blog!

Tee hee

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Installment number two

Working in Leamington Spa

So, I tried to put the pic in here - but it wouldn't work - so I will attempt it next time.

Working in Leamington is amazing. I work in ten primary schools - some little village schools and some larger ones. I work mainly with children aged 9 and 10 but also as young as 7.

What do I do?

I go into the Primary school and teach between 11 and 36 kiddies (depending on the size of the class). I teach them Drama! I teach Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, Hamlet etc.) I also teach Greek Theatre which is cool. I also teach Oliver Twist which they love!

I am employed by a Secondary school and a large part of my role is providing good relationships between the schools and taking the fear factor out of 'going to High School'.

I also work at the secondary school each week - with children from the Primary Schools - we do media arts stuff using state of the art technology - with apple macs. They can do videoing, editing, animation etc. It is a lot of fun!

So basically I love my job. God knew - it would be the perfect job for me. I think the children are wonderful! I love teaching drama and writing all my own stuff.

Thanx God!

Leamington rocks!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Installment number one

Hello everyone

Well here is an update on life with Phil and Kt!

Leamington Spa

Leamington Spa is beautiful - if you would like to we would love you to come and see or yourself. We live in a pretty converted school and it is small but very cute.

Leamington is a Spa town - so funnily enough it has a Spa - a bit like Bath and it has nice stone buildings in the centre and a small but varied shopping area - with a good range of normal shops and also some funky boutiques and quirky shops.

It has some truly lovely parks - I will post a picture of me in one of them -next blog.

It is not too big, not too small but in fact as Goldilocks might say 'just right'.

We had some friends here last weekend and we discovered that there is a crepe restaurant in town - which we had to try out ! It was yummy!

Life is a much slower pace than Bristol - with very little traffic and some tiny villages nearby. It is just great for relaxing!

We love it!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Internet Access

Hello Everyone

Well after many months and in fact just as we were about to give up all together on a certain company that shall remain nameless - but should perhaps think of a new name - how about 'listen listen' which might aid them in hearing their customers - anyway, just as we had given up all hope - they connected us - so here I am!

It is a delight that I find I am unable to express in words - I just had a brief conversation with the lovely Lozza and my good friend Jeff on line - what a great thing the internet is.

It is great to be back - and I will ensure that I now tell you all (in installments) about life in Leamington Spa - which is, incidentally, wonderful!

OK, well I will keep this one short and a sweet celebration - but look forward to hearing from me soon!

Love you all


Internet Access

Hello Everyone

Well after many months and in fact just as we were about to give up all together on a certain company that shall remain nameless - but should perhaps think of a new name - how about 'listen listen' which might aid them in hearing their customers - anyway, just as we had given up all hope - they connected us - so here I am!

It is a delight that I find I am unable to express in words - I just had a brief conversation with the lovely Lozza and my good friend Jeff on line - what a great thing the internet is.

It is great to be back - and I will ensure that I now tell you all (in installments) about life in Leamington Spa - which is, incidentally, wonderful!

OK, well I will keep this one short and a sweet celebration - but look forward to hearing from me soon!

Love you all


Thursday, September 28, 2006

I love my job!

Hello everyone!

Still no internet at home - how am I coping! not too well - but hopefully it will be sorted soon!

I love my job. I sang all the way from one school to another today - just totally loving my job and thanking God!

I love it - I love it - I love it

Big kisses


Thursday, August 31, 2006

A little hello

Hey dudes,

Just a little hello from Leamington!

Still no internet connection - prob another few weeks - so just chillin in an internet cafe!

Life in Leamington is delicious - u should come and see for yourself!

Love you all lots


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday beautiful Lozza

Happy Birthday to you!

Love you tons and tons XXX

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Putting up a tent!

Yesterday Phil and I put up a tent - and I am reminded of what fun that in itself is!!

So girls, we have labeled all the poles for you which should make it easier to put up and should be a bit of a laugh! We also aired it for you overnight as it had been in my parents loft for a while!! It is pretty old, but it is pretty big too - so I hope it makes a fun place to stay!


Saturday, July 29, 2006

What's happening with us?

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well. Just thought that I would give you an update as to what is happening with us !!

So, as many of you will know - we have been praying and seeking God about what is next for us - God is, as always, amazing and has made the way ahead really clear.

Phil has had to look for work as his contract ends in August! We looked pretty much everywhere and altho' there are teaching posts in Bristol -Phil was looking to do a job similar to the one he is currently doing.

An excellent opportunity was in the paper for a job in Rugby - Rugby, for those of you who don't know, is in Warwickshire (about 1hour and a half from Bristol) not far from Coventry and Birmingham. So, Phil applied for the job and after some time... got an interview and after even more time he got the job! It is a real promotion for Phil and he is really excited about it.

So, what about me? Well in the meantime I was casually looking at jobs and decided that Phil (being the main earner) should take priority and that really my job was not so important and that I would find something - it didn't really matter what. However, God had other plans... He is so good! He reminded me that He loves me and asked me what I would like to do. I said that I would really love to do a job where I could use my dramatic and creative skills - as in my current job I rarely get to... I prayed a little half-heartedly as I realised that there was no way I could go for a job as, for example, a drama teacher, as I have no teaching qualification!

Phil and I began looking at places to live in Leamington Spa - Leamington Spa is a bit like Bath... very pretty and an old spa town. It is very close to Coventry (about 15 mins) where my brother and his wife live and not far from Birmingham where my sister lives. When we looked at it we decided that we would love to live there and prayed that if this was right God would make it clear...

A short time later I saw a teaching assistant post job advertised at a secondary school in Leamington and glanced my eyes over it - simply because it was based in Leamington - It was for a drama post - working as a primary liaison worker. I phoned the school to find out more and discovered that the job was fantastic. It is working in all the local primary schools, teaching drama and creative arts - planning and using my own ideas - working independantly and with (as I discovered at my interview) a vast scope for my development. I could not have made up a job for myself that I think I would love more - isn't God awesome! I am so thankful that He cares about every tiny detail.

We have just found a flat to live in - in Leamington - which is lovely and again has it's own miraculous story... God is interested in every finite detail of our lives.

So, how am I feeling? honestly? Very happy. I am obviously very sad about the thought of leaving Bristol, in particular the church - there are people here that I will miss inexplicably... you know who you are! My parents also live here - and it is where I have grown up, so no doubt it will be a wrench.

However, I am certain of God's timing and his plan for us and this means that it is hard not to be happy. He has done so much for us. I am so excited about the future.

I wanted to write down the testimony of God's faithfulness and also to let everyone know how thankful I am for your friendship, love and support over the last ...years.

We both start our new jobs in September so we will be moving in the next few weeks. Our last Sunday at Church will be in three Sundays' time and I wanted to give you a heads up - so it does not come as a shocker.

We love you all so very much,

Katie XX

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Hello everyone,

Sorry I have not blogged for such a long time.

Sometimes it is hard to blog. It is hard for a number of different reasons - these are as follows:

1) I don't have anything of interest to say

2) I have something of interest to say but don't quite know the words

3) I don't feel in the mood to write a silly blog

4) I do feel in the mood to write a silly blog, but feel it would be inappropriate

Anyway, I am truly sorry - it is not a reflection of my love for you all. I love you - with or without blog!

Big kisses XXXX

Monday, June 12, 2006

Boxes boxes everywhere....

I have to say that I looked around the house initially and thought...

'hmm, we really don't have that much stuff, packing won't be a big deal'

It seems that I lied to myself - twice.

Packing is a big deal and we have a lot of stuff!

It is intensely hot, which I can't complain about! But I am indoors, wrapping, packing and thinking... this sentimental but sometimes silly and more often annoyingly wierd shaped and therefore impossible to pack ornament - do I NEED to keep it??!!



Sunday, June 04, 2006

Here comes the sun!!!

Don't you just love the sunshine!

Doesn't it just lift your spirits?!!

We decided that it stops everyone from blogging so much! But isn't that great!

We are all outside enjoying the sun!!


Thursday, June 01, 2006

I am so proud of you!

I am so proud of you.

You have worked really hard.
Life has not been rosy, nor easy, nor fun and games,
But you face it with strength and a will to succeed.

You have strong ideals and passion and drive,
You won't settle for second best,
Your determination is inspiring.

And altho many don't see it,
If they took the time to look closer they would see...
You are gentle and loving and thoughtful and kind.

You are becoming the woman God has called you to be.

I am so proud of you.

Friday, May 26, 2006


Well, last weekend - Phil and I went to a friends wedding.

It was lovely, beautiful!

We saw old friends, who we both went to Uni with - how cool and aged did that make us feel!? Very - but it was great.

I really love weddings.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Letting go...

It's time to let go,

I can feel your grip,

Your hand is cold, holding fast to mine.

It used to be good, in it's time.

I held hard, believing that our touch was warm,

but the truth is...

My hand is warm,

Yours has always been cold.

It's time to let go.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

You are the miracle.

You are like a cool breeze on a warm summers day,
You are like the first flowers in springtime.
You are like a warm hug in winter and the radiant colours of autumn leaves.

I thank God for giving you to me and me to you.
There is no one else like you.

You always believe in me. Why is that?

When I am struggling and you're light years ahead of me,
You simply sit there patiently, waiting for me to catch you up.
I let you down, you smile and hold me tighter.

You think that you can never teach me anything,
But God put you in my life to teach me every day how to be more like Him.

What is it like to be in love?

Many people think that the earth will shake and lightening bolts will hit them - maybe those thing will happen- maybe they won't?? Maybe those things are good? maybe they aren't??

But what I love is that being in love with you means that we have been married for nearly eight years and you are still my best friend.

Sometimes the earth shakes around us and we hold on to each other for dear life. Sometimes the lightening comes pretty close - but we both heave a sigh of relief as we find that the only energy surging through us is the connection that fused us together and our constant passion for one another.

I told God that I would never marry. So that pretty much makes you the miracle!

I'm glad God knows me better than I know myself.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I am sorry that I have not blogged for a month. I am tired.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Longing for that day....

I am just longing for the day when I will get to see Him face to face...


I know you may be sad, when one day I will fly
But I will be so happy, so please don't cry,

This life is just a whisper, the truth I can't deny,
that I ache to be with Jesus, no need to wonder why,

no pain, no sadness, no more hurt, just lifted up on high,
forever with my saviour, forever I will fly.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Have you seen those wristbands that say W.W.J.D?

Well the other day my lovely hubby and I were discussing Jack Bauer from '24'!

My lovely hubby said - can you imagine if that wristband stood for What Would Jack Do?

We laughed as we realised - Jesus would do the perfect thing, loving, forgiving, while also remaining holy and Jack on the other hand would probably shoot them!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The fascinating thing about cheeseburgers...

So, isn't it fascinating that I could almost always eat a M's cheesburger.

I don't crave many things... chocolate occasionally and sometimes a hug...

But every now and then - I think 'ooohh a cheeseburger' - and if offered I rarely say no, because when offered the same feeling 'ooohh a cheeseburger' appears.

Ever had anything like that?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

7 songs....

Ok, this is tough one... so, in no particular order,

1) 'We bow down' Viola Grafstrom. I love this song, I first heard it on my wedding day where a lovely friend of ours sang it as we walked down the aisle, she kept it as a surprise and it was beautiful. I have also seen Viola sing it live and she was amazing! Awesome!

2) 'Thanksgiving' George Winston. Actually I am not sure if he wrote it or he plays it. It is a piano piece and it is beautiful. My cousin plays beautifully and he made a copy of it for me. I love it, whenever I need to escape this is a piece I listen to.

3) 'I've had questions' Tim Hughes. This song is wonderful! I honestly have a whole load of questions and a lot remain unanswered, but 'there is one thing that I cling to, you are faithful, Jesus, you're true.'

4) 'Power of Two' the Indigo Girls. The Indigo girls play a country kinda rock pop and I really like it. I love the acoustic guitar in this sooooo much. This is my fave 'sitting in the car, driving fast, the sun is shining, on my own so I'm singing loud song' got one of those? If you haven't listened to them you should try them!

5) 'Thank You' Dido. Oh, every time I hear this song it reminds me that I am in love and that I am so thankful to God for everything that He has given me - ever!

6) 'Your name' Andy Bromley. The words of this song are powerful. And I guess, the truth is that I love the name of Jesus, it is just the sweetest name in the world and nothing could ever compare.

7) 'Tomorrow' ok, no idea, who but it is from the film 'annie' which was my FAVOURITE musical as a child and I used to go round singing, 'the sun will come out tomorrow, so you gotta hang on till tomorrow' and actually - the lyrics still work for me now if I'm having a bad day.

Oh I love music, isn't it great!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Friday, March 10, 2006


I just got the Phatfish album 'Heaven bound' and there is an amazing line in one of the songs which says,

'I know my life had it's beginning at your cross'

Wow! So true!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

If I am sunshine - why do I NEED some sun!

You Are Sunshine
Soothing and calmYou are often held up by others as the idealBut too much of you, and they'll get burned
You are best known for: your warmth Your dominant state: connecting
What Type of Weather Are You?
You Are Chunky Monkey Ice Cream
http://images.blogthings.com/whatflavorbenandjerrysicecreamareyouquiz/chunky-monkey.jpg" height="100" width="100">

Truthfully, you're too spazzy to be chunky - you cheeky monkey!

Why was I made?

Do you ever ponder?

Do you ever sit and wonder?

I am constantly busy and always planning things in my mind, whether that be a presentation for work, my shopping list or who I need to send birthday cards to this week... my mind is always active and I realised as I was standing at the Bus stop the other day, willing the Bus to come, that we are all pretty similar in this - people deep in thought - urgently moving to the 'next thing'.

I sort of stood outside myself for a moment and watched myself and realised that sometimes I get so caught up in the 'hectic ness' of life that I forget why I am here. Why am I here?

I was born to praise your name. I was born to lift you high Jesus...

And I realised something else too - todays worries are forgotten the moment they become part of the past. I worry about what I will do if I am late for work, or if I forget to ring someone but then I remember that tomorro I will have forgotten that I even went to work... it won't matter.

So it seems that I ought to spend more time doing that which I was born to do and less time worrying.

I love you Jesus, my best friend, my everything.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Snow on snow, snow on snow...

Ok, so pretty much not snow on snow

kinda sleet on the ground - that is now gone!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

It's all about 4

The 4 thing

Four Jobs I have ever had in my life:

1. Till assistant in KWIK SAVE (not so much fun)
2. Advisor for Barclays Bank (lots of fun)
3. Nurse on the Cardiac Ward at the Children's hospital (fun, but tough)
4. Nurse in theatres at the Dental Hospital (loving it!)

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

1. Anne of Green Gables
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. The Thomas Crown Affair
4. Lord of the Rings (all)

Four Places I have lived:
1. Bath
2. Patchway, Bristol
3. Gloucester
4. Manchester

Four TV Shows I love to watch:

1. Friends
2. Quantum Leap
3. Sex in the City
4. Pop Idol/American Idol etc.

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. America
2. Crete, Greece
3. The Gambia
4. Hurghada, Egypt

Four websites I visit daily:
1. blogger.com
2. Msn
3. BBC weather (I know, how sad)
4. Yahoo music (not really daily but hey)

Four of my favourite foods:

1. Fajitas
2. Chocolate (dark preferably)
3. Peppercorn crisps (handmade, mmmm lovely)
4. Smoothies (does that count?)

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Heaven
2. In bed sleeping
3. Having a bubble bath
4. On a beach, somewhere hot

Four people I am tagging:

1. Sam
2. Rachael
3. Maz, via Loz's blog
4. Phil, Via mine

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Being squished...

I realised that paying in cheques is not something that I do a lot of when...

The woman in the bank raised her eyebrow at me after I asked for a paying in slip and replied...

"No, we haven't used those for some time now."

I tried to smile in a normal way - but she squished me and I felt totally deflated. I handed over my cheque rather sheepishly and scurried away as soon as pos.

Ever been squished?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Some pics of Egypt

Me, quad biking thru the desert up top. Phil and me on camels in the desert

Friday, February 17, 2006

Remember to say thanks...

I felt the need to blog this, cos I have had sooooo much time to think in the last week.

I have been pretty ill, but I am loads better now. Yay!

I have had food poisoning... so painful. (Campylobacter, for anyone with a medical interest!) However, over the last few days as I have been feeling a little sorry for myself I remembered how blessed I am - in so many ways.

Today is the first day in NINE days that I have been able to eat properly and I realised that eating is a wonderful wonderful thing that I take for granted every day. I am so blessed that I can open my fridge door, or pop to the shops and eat pretty much anything I like, some people live in countries/situations where that is just not possible.

So remember folks, when you have your next lunch, dinner, breakfast, maybe take the time to say a little thanks, to Him who gives us our daily bread - and so much more besides!

Thanks God, I love you!

Monday, February 13, 2006

But just so you know that I am not dwelling on it...

My brother and his wife just had a baby boy - their first.

He was born at 10pm on Saturday and weighed 6lb 14 oz. Nathan Joel.


I have only seen pics so far as I am not allowed near healthy people (lol) - but just u wait and he will be getting loadsa cuddles from me.

Sigh - it just makes you smile don't it!

So, I am ill...


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

So, Egypt...

So we went to Egypt...

Not that I can really say I saw a lot of Egypt...

We stayed in Hurghada - which is on the coast next to the Red Sea. Hurghada itself has pretty much nothing of interest... The Red Sea is very beautiful and the break was restful and relaxing.

The weather was warm and we ate delicious food and played cards by the pool.

Our most adventurous day was spent in the desert - charging around on quad bikes. It was immense fun! We got to see how the 'Bedouin' people lived. (Interesting fact. Elijah came from a Bedouin tribe - they live in the desert and are very poor.) We also watched an egyptian dude eat fire and lie on a bed of nails. (I stood on his belly while he lay on the bed of nails - and yes we do have a pic of that!)

The hotel was awesome but I will blog about that tomorrow.

It is good to be back, I only wish it were a little warmer...


Monday, January 30, 2006


Has anyone seen this weeks post a secret?

They are sad...

Blogless for a whole week....

Well everyone...

I am going to be blogless for a week as Phil and I are off to Egypt tomorrow - early.

Be sure to know I will blog about Egypt when I get back...

Maybe I will even post some photos - if I can work out how to do that???

Anyway, lots of love,

Bye for now,


Saturday, January 28, 2006

Thank you for the loan of your CD Maria XXX

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,
May you never take one single breath for granted,
God forbid love ever leaves you empty handed,

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance...

I hope you dance....
I hope you dance,

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances but they're worth taking,
Loving might be a mistake but it's worth making

Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out reconsider
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance...

Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,
Tell me who wants to look back on their years
and wonder where those years have gone.

I hope you dance...
I hope you dance.

From Ronan Keatings CD, 10 years of hits.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I did it!

Today I made it to the gym and...

there was just one guy there - I did it! I made it! I actually used the cross-trainer, bike and rowing machine. Yay!

I am now utterly cream crackered - but feeling great!!!

Success at last!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

This made me chuckle...

A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor's office. After his checkup, the doctor called the wife into his office alone. He said, "Your husband is suffering from a very severe disease, combined with horrible stress. If you don't do the following, your husband will surely die.""Each morning, fix him a healthy breakfast. Be pleasant, and make sure he is in a good mood. For lunch make him a nutritious meal. For dinner prepare an especially nice meal for him. Don't burden him with chores, as he probably had a hard day. Don't discuss your problems with him, it will only make his stress worse. And most importantly...make love with your husband several times a week and satisfy his every whim. If you can do this for the next 10 months to a year, I think your husband will regain his health completely."

On the way home, the husband asked his wife,
"What did the doctor say?"

"You're going to die," she replied.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Eating healthier

So, at the moment we are trying to eat a little more healthily - It is a bit of a challenge - on two accounts really...

Firstly, it is more expensive - it is annoying and WRONG I think that it costs more to buy fresh stuff! It does taste better tho'

Secondly, it is time consuming - it takes longer to prepare dishes when I have NO idea what I am doing...

So this week I made chilli chicken and chickpea mash!

It tasted good in the end - but was all a bit of a laugh as the chickpeas are supposed to be 'mushed' in a food processor (we don't have one of those) so I tried various methods - hitting them a lot, (just humerous and bore no results) a potato masher (didn't really work) and finally a whisk (which just sent chick peas flying around the kitchen!) Eventually I called upon Phil to use sheer strength to mush them. It all tasted good in the end tho'!

so not sure what I will try this week...

Friday, January 20, 2006

The power of a simple hairwash

Isn't it amazing... I was feeling really pants, tired and generally yuck!

I had a bath - and washed my hair! I feel a thousand times better - aren't we blessed!

I am just sitting here - feeling really fresh and - well clean! But also refreshed and peaceful. So many people around the world don't have access to a bath/shower instantly - It is such a luxury!

I am so blessed and very thankful.

Thanx XXX

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A quick update

So... new years resolutions...

well, things are going well and not so well...

So far - I have managed to get up earlier every day - to spend time with God - yay and it is a great incentive that my days are going better and I am lovin this time with Him LOADS!

However, altho' I have attended my gym club on more occassions - I have not actually made it into the gym itself - yet!

I am swimming more (a little bit of guilt there!) and I have been doing my own work out at home - but honestly - every time I go there are lots and lots of people in there and every piece of equipment is being used - (clearly I was not the only one to make this resolution!) So I am hoping that as January moves along - I will be able to get in there...

We'll see....

MUST persevere!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I didn't even know it existed...

So yesterday I bought some toothpaste - we were practically out and you know when you've squeezed the tube as much as is humanly possible!!

So, I bought toothpaste - nothing new there. I have done it plenty of times before.

But oh no, not quite!

I got home to discover I had bought 'toothpaste for mature teeth'. Intrigued I read a little closer, and I quote... 'help keep teeth healthy even in old age'.

Oh my goodness, I didn't even know you could buy toothpaste for 'elderly teeth'. Does that mean it is not as good Maria? Help!

Oh well, you live and learn I guess - and I agree you should keep your teeth healthy even in old age!

How bizarre!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Hi ho hi ho, it's off to egypt we go

So, I am a little excited....

In just two weeks we are going to egypt for the week!! It is hot and sunny there! Yay!

It is Phil's 30 th Birthday pressi - it was kind of a surprise - but not as much as I wanted it to be.

We are going to Hurghada - to laze on the beach and swim in the Red sea. How cool is that?

The only bummer is that we have to go and get jabs today - yes pain twofold! The inital pain of the needle in your arm - and then the pain of the cos of the jab - £22 each! Y'Ouchy!

But still - Egypt - Yay!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Which is better a good laugh or a good cry?

It is a toughie isn't it? I mean, often they are very close - sometimes when you are in your deepest sobs - something seems hilarious and you can't help but laugh. Also sometimes you are cracking up and the tears just start to fall. Aren't our emotions a strange thing?

I am undecided - initially I think - of course laughter - because it is so good to laugh and if you've ever laughed till it hurts... and then some more it is wonderful...

But then a good cry is so releasing - when you really feel anxious or sad about something it is a great thing to finally let go and weep till there are no tears left.

I guess the answer is that 'God made one as well as the other' and there is a purpose in them both. I would prefer to keep my tears to a minimum tho and big it up on the laughter!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So, I have a headache!

I am not sure of the cause - but I RARELY get headaches and so I am feeling a little sorry for myself.

It makes my neck and everything ache and I just feel as tho I need to sleep and sleep.

Am I tired? yes, Stressed? maybe a little...

any ideas people?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

How it is going...

So people, here is how it is going...

Today I went straight from work to my parents house with all my gym stuff (and swim stuff) determined to go to the gym!!

I got to the gym and nothing was free - it was packed in there! Feeling discouraged and disheartened I got in the pool. I did 12 lengths - which is a lot for me!! So felt slightly encouraged but have not actually managed the gym yet.

Note to self - must not give up after just one attempt!

Time with God: Ok this is going a little better - have so far managed to do this 4 out of 5 days and it has been brill! yay!

Must be more determined...


Monday, January 09, 2006

Your name...

Your name stronger than I know,
Deeper than a thousand words could say,
Your name,

Fire in my soul,
Healing for a hurting heart today,
And my heart will bow and my spirit soar
and my soul cries out to the Lord of all.

Your name more beautiful than any other,
Your name more precious than life itself

I love it. I love you. My Jesus.

A song by Andy Bromley with poetic license from Katie Dent

Thursday, January 05, 2006

New years resolutions

So, a few years ago - I decided not to make new years resolutions - I tend to break them and always disappoint myself...

But I realised yesterday when talking with a few friends that what in fact I still do is decide 'the good things' I will do this year. Really, I am a fraud - because surely that is just the same as a new years resolution.

So, this year, my new years, non - resolution, resolutions are

- Spend more time with God - specifically I plan to get to work earlier so I can talk with Him in the chapel before work. This has been going two days now - I need a little longer before I feel I have succeeded here!

- Actually use the gym - I am member of a gym and rarely use the gym itself - before you slate me - I do swim regularly and use the other facilities frequently such as the steam room and spa. I would however, like to be fitter and so plan to use the gym more often.

I will let you all know how it goes


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

This is for you

This little one is especially for you

Just because I love you!