Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Being squished...

I realised that paying in cheques is not something that I do a lot of when...

The woman in the bank raised her eyebrow at me after I asked for a paying in slip and replied...

"No, we haven't used those for some time now."

I tried to smile in a normal way - but she squished me and I felt totally deflated. I handed over my cheque rather sheepishly and scurried away as soon as pos.

Ever been squished?


Jen said...

Someone tried to squish me in Homebase - she didn't have a response for me when i asked her curtly why she was being so rude and patronising to a customer -
Remember KT - little in height but big in stature!

Timmay!! said...

Yeh. But you cant be squished by someone who hasnt explained something they ought to have. Cos then they could be squished for not doing their job, technically. If your bank hasnt taken the trouble to inform you, their esteemed customer, i wouldnt take any notice of any would-be squisher!

KT said...

Aw, thanks guys,

love you all lots